Pro Fastening Newsletter September 2015

Congratulation to our incredible VP Finance Amy Petta on her recent marriage! 2016 will be Amy’s 20th year at PRO and we are super lucky to have her in the PRO family and to know her as a person. Congrats Amy!

The leader of our extremely busy paintline, Terri Hayes, has been with PRO for 25 years! Terri has the amazing ability to remain calm, cool, and collected, even under the busiest of times. Did you ever forget to order painted screws? Terri has most likely saved your bacon a time or two!

Suuuuucheck! Dave Suchecki is going to be married in April 2016. Since Dave started at PRO in 1983, he has had a lot of nicknames. There was “Wrong Way Suchecki” after his initial delivery run got him back to the shop at 8 PM, or “The Mighty Sucheck,” for hitting his sales forecast 18 months in a row (a PRO record). Dave has been with our Indianapolis branch since 1989 after starting in Arlington Heights, IL over 32 years ago! Congrats Dave!

Expanding stock at PRO

Firestone Building Products – We are stocking Firestone Roofing accessories in IL, including ISO Twin Pack, bonding adhesive, lap sealant, primer, tapes, fasteners, and more!

Flexmaster USA HVAC Products – PRO is now a stocking distributor for Flexmaster USA. Along with Flexmaster products we are stocking accessories like Duct Seal, UL 181 tapes, Gripple, Sammys, and stainless steel hose clamps.

BASF water repellents and construction chemicals – our Chicago Ink Smith, Inc. location stocks a full line of BASF water repellents, waterproofing membranes, deck coating systems, and the related accessories. Need more info? Email or call 773-777-5825. Your PRO credit account is also valid at Ink Smith, Inc.
Coming up in the next newsletter

An update on the 1969 Lund aluminum fishing boat that has become a testing ground for HER Sealant from ER Systems.
A list of some of the more memorable and noteworthy jobs PRO has supplied in the past 35 years.

Possibly, an in-depth interview with a famous Chicago area roofer and former model in the roofing trade magazines. Send me your guesses ( on who this mystery roofer might be and I’ll give 1 lucky winner an Amazon gift card.

After years and years of requests for PRO to stock and sell welders we think we found our manufacturing partner. Details in the next newsletter!